United Nations General Assembly Sixth Committee (LEGAL)
-Identifying legal safeguards against the harmful uses of artifical intelligence.
LEGAL is one of the main committees of the United Nations General Assembly that focuses on the development and promotion of international law. Its primary responsibility is to consider legal issues that arise in the international sphere, including topics such as the codification of international law, the peaceful settlement of disputes, the protection of human rights, and the legal aspects of disarmament. The Legal Committee examines proposals for new treaties and conventions, works to strengthen the rule of law at the international level, and contributes to the interpretation and application of existing international agreements. It provides a forum for member states to discuss and collaborate on complex legal matters, ensuring that the principles of justice and fairness are upheld in global governance. Through its deliberations, the Legal Committee plays a key role in shaping the legal framework that underpins the work of the United Nations and the conduct of international relations..